/Performance indicators

Do I work efficiently?


Benchmarking is a process in which course various methods, processes and results of a company are compared with enterprises with similar parameters in order to shed light on opportunities for rationalization and quality and performance improvement.
A standard (MSZ EN 15221-7), was developed specially for facility management field which would help to implement the procedure. Correspondences may be unraveled by multiple evaluation.

LEO Bench­marking

The Benchmarking Working Group of the National Association of Facility Management and Building Management Service Providers (in Hungarian "LEO FM") was established in 2013. In their third publication, including 824 facilities on ​​approximately 7.1 million m2 aggregated area. An important novelty is that industry experts were asked us to provide professional review for each chapter and write introductory to the chapters. The database analyzes were renewed as well, due to statistical methodology.
The current (no. 4) data research data expected to be completed for the late 2021. Our company is the data owner of this project.

What about your performance?

Performance evaluation seems to be simple at first sight when the nationwide index and the own data is known. However, we have to examine the following issues:
  • Whether the values are comparable?
  • What does induce the discrepancy?
  • How to explain the discrepancy between the reference database and my building data?
  • Is my data correct?
    • In order to answer this questions, it is indispensible to know the method. As one of the key actor in Hungarian market, we offer comprehensive analyzis for the other actors of the field.

Quotation request

If you are interested in performance measuring and compare the result with the nationwide data, please fill in the form.
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